Remember all the great times you had in 4-H? We’d like you to come back and help us pass on the 4-H experiences to a whole new generation. Or perhaps you were never in 4-H, but your child has benefited from the program. Or maybe you’ve never had a chance to get involved in 4-H and now you want to find out what you’ve been missing. Whatever the reasons, 4-H thrives on committed volunteers, just like you.

Want to help guide a 4-H club throughout the year? Become a General Leader. Do you really love cooking, photography or some other life skill and want to help teach those abilities to youth? Join as a Project Leader. Want to share your agricultural skills? Help out by offering a showmanship or judging clinic or welcoming members for a farm tour. Looking for some adventure? Chaperone a provincial or national activity.

Contact to find out more about volunteer opportunities.

All volunteer leaders and chaperones complete a volunteer screening process.

New volunteers leaders complete an online interactive training program. Volunteer Leader Conferences are offered throughout the year in various provinces. Contact Quebec 4-H for more information.


2025 4-H Canada Leadership Summit

2018 4-H Canada Leadership Summit

On February 22nd, 2018, a delegation from Quebec headed up to Ottawa for the beginning of a dynamic and fun-filled few days of interactive learning. Lauren Gruer – a relatively new Leader from Howick 4-H was one of the 5 attendees from Quebec.

“My involvement in 4-H started two years ago when my sister, Lindsay, told me that the Howick 4-H Club was looking for a new Handicraft Project leader. Their leader at the time was ‘’retiring’’ from 4-H, and my sister hoped they would find someone to continue the project since it was one of her favorite clubs to participate in as a 4-H member. Eventually, Lindsay was able to convince me that I would make a good leader and that I should volunteer for the position.

Having never been a member myself, I knew very little about 4-H, and I was a little hesitant to take on the task. However, thanks to the support of the other amazing leaders in our club, I quickly learned the ropes and was welcomed into the 4-H family with open arms.

The Leadership Summit in Ottawa was a wonderful opportunity for me to really learn more about how other clubs operate, as well as the roles of 4-H Quebec and 4-H Canada.

The speaker I was most inspired by was Doug Griffiths, with his presentation 13 Ways to Kill Your Community. This presentation is a satirical look at why rural communities are struggling to thrive in the modern and ever-changing Canada. His presentation really pointed out the fact that youth engagement is critical, and through organizations such as 4-H, we as leaders play an active role in this aspect of community success.

Something that was very interesting to learn about was Community Service Learning. At each meeting, we pledge to give our hands to larger service, but rarely do we incorporate learning opportunities into our community service endeavours. Instead of focusing on the fact that we have done something to help our community, we should shift the focus and learn about the struggles and issues in our community, and how our 4-H service projects help combat those issues.

Finally, I got to learn about all of the amazing projects that 4-H Canada has taken on to support 4-H members and their leaders! In particular, I learned about 4-H Learns, which is an online archive with over 1000 resources for leaders, and Club 1913, which is an online platform where the 350,000+ Canadian 4-H Alumni can (re)connect!

I am grateful to have had this opportunity, and look forward to bringing all my new ideas back to my club in Howick.”

Kenna Turner, Leader Allumette Island 4-H, Charlie Rossignol, Executive Director 4-H Quebec, Morgan Passmore, Chair of Finance Committee 4-H Quebec, Lauren Gruer, Leader Howick 4-H

Annual General Meeting Volunteer Celebrations

At AGM 2017, 4-H Quebec recognized Maria Enright and Tim Keenan for their years of dedication to the Richmond 4-H Club over the last 10 years.

Maria and Tim’s  4 children are all highly active in their club, with their eldest son, Devin, being a member of the 4-H Board of Directors and the 4-H Finance Committee.

Thank you so much for all your hard work, Maria and Tim!


Phyllis and members of the Howick 4-H Club celebrating her win!